

Keratoconus Treatment

We are now offering the only FDA approved therapeutic Cross-Linking treatment for progressive KC.

Keratoconus? You’re not alone.

Have you been diagnosed with corneal disease, Keratoconus? If you have, you’re not alone. According to the Cornea Research Foundation of America, 100 to 200 people out of every 100,000 develop this disease. Keratoconus gradually transforms the cornea from a natural round shape to a funneled cone shape and can also cause it to thin. Progression of this disease, which may last from 10 to 20 years, often leads to symptoms such as blurred vision, sensitivity to light, difficulty with night vision, and headaches due to straining of the eyes. LASIK and PRK are not recommended for those who have this disease because of the risk of injury from the thin cornea. In severe cases, scarring of the corneal tissue has been reported. Keratoconus dramatically affects the cornea. This is the clear protective outer layer of your eye. It is not only responsible for protecting your eyes from foreign objects such as dirt, dust, and bacteria, it is also responsible for the precision of your vision. The cornea refracts the light entering your eye and depending on its degree of curvature, determines how well you can focus on objects up close or farther away.

As keratoconus progresses, the cornea can transform into a cone shape which can limit your field of view causing blurred vision, irritation, sensitivity to light and in some cases halo’s around light sources. In many cases, these effects of keratoconus happen in both eyes and each can be affected differently. Recent studies have shown many factors that attribute to the progression of keratoconus. One of the main determinants of keratoconus is thought to be heredity. According to the National Eye Institute, 7% of people who have keratoconus have a family history of the disease. Agitation of the eye through rubbing from allergies, scratching, chronic use of hard contacts and injuries to the eye are also factors that determine the possibility of developing this disease.

Keratoconus can also be linked to those who have other eye diseases such as, retinitis pigmentosa, retinopathy of prematurity, and vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Systemic diseases, those that affect the body's organs and tissues such as Down syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, are also are believed to be a factor in acquiring keratoconus.

Treatment for keratoconus is limited. Patients who have the corneal disease are usually prescribed certain glasses and soft or gas permeable contact lenses that provide as little irritation as possible while giving the patient the best possible view they can have. If the rounding and thinning of the cornea become too extreme and glasses and contacts become uncomfortable, many times a corneal transplant is recommended. According to the Eye Bank Association of American 2008 Statistical report, each year there are 40,000 corneal transplants performed in America. When considering a corneal transplant or any type of ocular surgery, always research, educate, and find the most experienced corneal surgeon to minimize the possibilities of complications from the surgery. The TMS-4 Corneal Topographer at Bucci Laser Vision offers a 3D examination of the cornea, contact lens fitting, and keratoconus screening.

Dr. Frank A. Bucci J.r., MD is a fellowship-trained corneal specialist. If you have been diagnosed with keratoconus or have symptoms that resemble this corneal disease, please call 1-877-DR-BUCCI (1-877-372-8224) for an evaluation at one of our locations nearest to you.

“Your Second Chance to See Life for the First Time...”

We are now offering the only FDA approved therapeutic Cross-Linking treatment for progressive KC.​

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